Bumblebee numbers hit by ‘unsettled decade’

Britain : Bumblebees and butterflies have seen their numbers plummet after another year of unsettled weather, according to a National Trust study.
The 10th annual wildlife report from the trust said mild winters and bad weather in summer created bad conditions for small plants.
But whilst insects suffered, grass growth rose, meaning a good year for livestock farmers.
Conservationists and farmers must work together, the trust said.
Warmer winter months and bad summers have become the norm, according to the report, which said the UK has not had a good summer since 2006.
Nature and wildlife specialist for the Trust, Matthew Oates, said: “2016 comes on top of an unsettled decade, with many species struggling in the face of climate change and more intensive farming practices.
“When you do get good weather during the brighter months of the year, it’s almost inevitably short-lived and finished with something nasty.
“During the brightest months, we do seem to be getting more extreme weather events, most of which aren’t nice.”